Understanding your auto insurance

A white suv driving down a country road.

Mandatory and optional coverage

In Ontario, you can only register your vehicle if you provide proof of insurance. It is the law to purchase, at a minimum, a standard auto insurance policy, which offers you and your family basic protection.

Beyond the minimum protection required by law, there are options to consider that can enhance that protection, such as the following.


An at-fault accident could cost you more than your car. If you injure someone and the courts find you responsible, liability insurance will pay all legal costs the law requires, up to the policy’s limits. By law, you must carry a minimum of $200,000 in third-party liability coverage. You are responsible for legal costs above that limit.

We have options to increase liability coverage so you can drive with peace of mind.

Accident benefits (standard benefits)

Collisions can happen even to the safest of drivers. Standard accident benefits apply minimum limits to pay for medical treatments and other benefits regardless of who caused the accident.

Optional limits are available to increase the standard level of benefits.

Collision or upset coverage

You have an accident, and your car flips over – you lose control of your vehicle on icy asphalt and hit another vehicle. This coverage pays for damage to your vehicle caused by an upset or a collision with another object.

Comprehensive coverage

High winds cause flying debris that damages your car. Your truck catches fire. Comprehensive coverage helps pay to replace or repair your vehicle if it’s stolen or damaged in an incident that is not a collision.

Choosing a higher deductible offers premium savings.

All perils coverage

All perils insurance combines collision or upset coverage and comprehensive coverage. It also covers damage to your car caused by a person living in your home or someone you hired to drive your vehicle that steals it and has an accident. A deductible may apply to these coverages. 

Choosing a higher deductible offers premium savings.

You can also purchase extra insurance that provides more protection, such as the following.

Protection Plus will protect your driving record.

We have optional coverage for eligible drivers that protects your driving record. That way, your rates do not increase because of one at-fault accident.

Minor Conviction Protection

We have optional coverage for eligible drivers that protects your driving record. That way, your rates will not increase because of one minor conviction.

Loss of use (OPCF 20)

Loss of use coverage pays for a rental car or alternate transportation (such as taxi or train fares) while your vehicle is in for repair.

Coverage for physical damage to a rental vehicle (OPCF 27)

If you damage a car you don’t own while in your care and control, such as a rental car, you need collision and comprehensive coverage.

Waiver of depreciation (OPCF 43/43a)

Waiver of depreciation ensures you receive the total value of what you paid for your new car without depreciation if the damage is beyond repair due to an accident; this coverage is for new vehicles. Conditions apply.


Understanding your auto insurance can be simple and easy. 

Talk to one of our agents and brokers. They are experts who will take the time to walk you through the policy options that are right for you!

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