We understand having a claim can be stressful. If you need to start a new claim or report an event, our team is available to help. Our experienced claims adjusters take pride in delivering a prompt, personalized claims experience, helping you navigate every step of the process.
You can start a claim online or call us anytime.
How to report a claim
If your claim occurs outside of our normal business hours, we are committed to providing you with access to one of our dedicated independent claims firms.
For non-emergency claims (i.e. jewellery/hearing aids have been lost, car is keyed in a parking lot), please fill out the claims form below.
A claims representative will be in contact with you during regular business hours, usually within 24 business hours of receiving the claims notice.
We value your privacy. Any information collected is used strictly for claims processing purposes. View our Privacy Statement here
M-F 8:30 AM–4:30 PM